Tuesday 4 February 2014

Do good looks matter..?

Ok here's an almost controversial one. I am sure this has crossed your mind at some point or you have experienced moments that make you wonder..

Do good looks matter to get ahead?

This post would not be applicable for those in the beauty line, creative arts or if your job involves insuring any parts of your body. It's a question for the 9-5 employee in most industries working our way up the 'food' chain.

Here are my observations:
  • It doesn't matter but helps, provided there is substance
  • Looking neat and groomed does matter. It's psychological and appeals to the reasoning capability of the human mind. If you made an effort to 'take care' of yourself, it most probably will reflect how you treat tasks given to you or for a customer, the business they give you
  • If it seems to be the ONLY thing that matters, you probably need to reconsider if you're in the right place
And if you have it but misuse it, trust me, you will make no one proud except maybe yourself.

Let me know what you think.


  1. I totally agree with your statement on looking neat, groomed and basically well put-together.

  2. Having good looks will be an added advantage, like it or not. "Good lookers" get more attention, more followers, more help and more sympathies too (even when they catch the flu!). BUT as you have put, everyone can look good if they put in some effort. So for those of you out there who think you can head to work in your most natural look (there are quite a number out there I must say.....), think again ..... :)

  3. Heck it matters! Humans are visual creatures.

  4. It may be a very useful first impression but after being in the office at least for 8hrs in 5 days a week...it doesnt really matter to bosses.
